This blog focuses on the role of mosques within their communities. It features stories about mosque-led initiatives, interviews with community leaders, and discussions on how mosques address social issues.
Words of the Seal of Prophets Hazrat Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
الحديث اليومي
Parents are your Paradise and your Hell
A man asked the Messenger of Allah what rights parents have over their children, and he replied, “They are your Paradise and your Hell”.
Daily Hadith
What Islam says about parents
الحديث اليومي
Look at your parents with mercy
The Messenger of Allah said that a child who looks at their parents with mercy and affection will receive rewards equal to an accepted Hajj for each look.
Daily Hadith
What Islam says about parents
الحديث اليومي
Obey your parents
The Messenger of Allah (swt) said that a person who obeys their parents will have two doors of Paradise opened for them, or one door if they only have one parent
Daily Hadith
What Islam says about parents
Embrace Peace
Share Faith
A Place to Pray
Proud to be serving hundreds of Muslim Families around Surrey