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Sermon Details

Muslims to Achieve Spiritual Goals

Repair My Heart O Beloved [ صَلَّى ٱللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ‎]


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Al MADAD YA Rasulullah.(S.A.W)

Repair my heart O Beloved One!

My heart has been filled with corruption and arrogance I claim to love the best of creation with this heart. Replace the arrogance and corruption with humbleness and your true love

O Beloved!

Repair my heart O Beloved One! I am constantly attracted to the negative talk of this society. The heart becomes weakened and rapidly filled with this dirt. This dirty heart desires to be polished with your endless light O Beloved! Enlighten my heart with a glance from your illuminated sight O Beloved!

Repair my heart O Beloved One!

My outward in the eyes of the people looks pure and white. What will become of my hidden inward? My outward is clean but my inward is filled with black stains in my heart.Take the black stains of this heart away and replace it with your mercy O Beloved!

Repair my heart O Beloved One!

My evil ego is spreading within my heart rapidly. I am pleading for this blackness to stop spreading over my heart. Place a glimpse of light so the blackness of my ego becomes destroyed O Beloved!

Repair my heart O Beloved One!

My thoughts reflect on what my heart says. I frequently have negative opinions of others living in my heart. How do I eliminate the negative feelings of others from my heart? Take away the negative feed from this heart and replace with positively for all O Beloved!

Repair my heart O Beloved One!

When a spot of dirt on my clothing is within sight it becomes washed and clean.My hidden heart is filled with many spots of dirt. How can I stop the dirt from entering into my heart? Clean, purify and protect my heart from all evilness.O Beloved!

Repair my heart O Beloved One!

My heart was created to be filled with love, peace and unity, Yet it is filled with self pride, ego and hate. O Khalid what kind of lover are you? My heart fails to hold the qualities of a true one. O Beloved! I turn to your holy court for help and mercy. Flourish and enlighten my heart with true divine love O Beloved! Repair my heart O Beloved One!

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