• Sunrise At: 3:27 AM
  • Sunset At: 8:58 PM
info@surreymosque.com +(00) 4401737760251

Service Details


Muslims to Achieve Spiritual Goals
  • Recognition, drive special offers
  • Launch a new product or communicate
  • Message and generate action
  • Campaign to powerfully convey
  • Outdoor media, PR and digital marketing
  • Recognition, drive special offers + Digital Media
  • Campaign to powerfully convey

We think before we deliver. We are bespoke as standard.

Documents Attestation

The Centre provides the following services and the fees are listed below. Please allow 48 hours for any application.

  • Passport counter signatures – £15 per application
  • Home office document attestation – £15 per document
  • Driving license/ security license application counter Signatures – £15 per application
  • References of any sort including School references – £15
  • Supporting Letters of any type – £15
  • Emergency on-the-spot applications: £30 per document

Please note for all the above, ID & proof of address will be required. All fees go towards the running of the Mosque Funds.

For further details contact the office on 01737-760251 M:07828783600

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