• Sunrise At: 3:27 AM
  • Sunset At: 8:58 PM
info@surreymosque.com +(00) 4401737760251

Service Details

School Application (Reference) Letter

Muslims to Achieve Spiritual Goals
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  • Campaign to powerfully convey
  • Outdoor media, PR and digital marketing
  • Recognition, drive special offers + Digital Media
  • Campaign to powerfully convey

School Application

The Redhill Jamia Mosque Al-Mustafa offers a school reference letter to children for their school. If you require one for your child, then please contact the details below to book an appointment.

Documents required for the support letter:

  • Valid passport or Birth Certificate of the child

Service Fee structure
£15 (Per child)
£7 (For any additional child or school)

Name: Head Imam Mian Sajid Latif Qadri
Telephone: 01737-760251
Email: info@surreymosque.com

Office hours: Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 5:00pm



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