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Zakat Donation

Muslims to Achieve Spiritual Goals
  • Recognition, drive special offers
  • Launch a new product or communicate
  • Message and generate action
  • Campaign to powerfully convey
  • Outdoor media, PR and digital marketing
  • Recognition, drive special offers + Digital Media
  • Campaign to powerfully convey

Your Zakat Serves The Needy.

Zakat is not just a duty on those with wealth, but a right that the poor have over us – we are “those in whose wealth there is a recognised right for the needy and the poor” (Qur’an 70:24-25).

The Redhill Islamic Centre Trust uses your zakat in the most effective way possible to relieve the suffering of the most vulnerable people.

Zakat is a mandatory duty on all able Muslims who meet nisab values. There is no ambiguity as to the rate at which Zakat should be calculated; 2.5% of all net savings one possesses is above the nisab value. Net savings is total maintained wealth for one lunar year before Zakat is due.

Tabligh - Copyright 2021. Designed by Nauthemes

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