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Donating to your mosque is a meaningful way to support your community .

For any Islamic questions, whether social, domestic, academic etc or spiritual guidance, our Imams & Alimahs can answer them for you.
Redhill Jamia Masjid & Islamic Centre is built Mosque in Surrey. We believe that our primary role is to serve the needs of the local community and to work towards the common good.
This builds on the very essence of our Mosque: a coming together of distinguished Muslims and non-Muslims to create a cohesive and tolerant society.
We offer comprehensive online Quran classes for kids and adults with Tajweed, enabling you to deepen your understanding of the Quran.
The RIC hosts many events, Schools plan visits as part of their religious education curriculum and academics visit.
An Islamic marriage contract, or Nikah, is a legally binding contract. Nikah is considered to be an integral part of an Islamic marriage.
Dealing with human beings undergoing real crisis in their lives, helping them address issues, overcome challenges and lead healthier, happier lives.
Funerals in Islam or Janazah start with a simple ritual involving bathing and shrouding the body, followed by salah (prayer).
For those considering accepting Islam and becoming a Muslim, RIC can help you understand more about Islam.
Donating to your mosque is a meaningful way to support your community .
We launched our fundraising initiative towards the “Building our Future” Mosque Extension Project in RamaMosque Extension Projectdhan 2024
The cost of these works will be £650,000 Est
A man asked the Messenger of Allah what rights parents have over their children, and he replied, “They are your Paradise and your Hell”.
What Islam says about parents
The Messenger of Allah said that a child who looks at their parents with mercy and affection will receive rewards equal to an accepted Hajj for each look.
What Islam says about parents
The Messenger of Allah (swt) said that a person who obeys their parents will have two doors of Paradise opened for them, or one door if they only have one parent
What Islam says about parents
Allah (swt) Most High said,
“(This lamp is found) in houses which Allah hath allowed to be exalted and that His name shall be remembered therein” [Qur’an, 24.36].
It is very important to raise our children with a strong attachment and love for their religion, and community, and thus it is important for them to have a strong and positive attachment to the mosque from a young age, especially in non-Muslim environments.
The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Those who do not have mercy for our young and respect for our elders is not of us.” [Tirmidhi]
Parents should not be shamed for entering the masjid with a toddler in tow because it was the practice of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. Even after his grandchildren climbed and played on his back while he led the prayer, he did not bar them from being in the musalla nor did he reprimand them. He simply explained to his followers the reason for his prolonged prostration.
When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except three: Ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who will pray for him.” A Muslim can prepare for death by fostering one, two or all three of these greatly beneficial deeds during one’s lifetime
Designed to be an informative communications tool for the Mosque. Download our new Mobile App for free, available on App Store & Google Play.
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