• Sunrise At: 3:27 AM
  • Sunset At: 8:58 PM
info@surreymosque.com +(00) 4401737760251

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Jamia Mosque Al-Mustafa Redhill is taking a balanced approach to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

We are taking precautions to minimise the risk of infection to users of the Mosque but are aware that the virus will inevitably be spreading over the coming weeks.

We have implemented the government’s advice on prevention including avoiding shaking hands, washing hands regularly and using antiseptic hand gel.

We have made hand gel available around the mosque and increased the frequency and depth of cleaning schedules.

We have advised elderly users and those with elderly relatives to avoid congregational prayers, especially on Fridays. Signs have been placed around the mosque to advise our patrons of these precautions.

As Muslims, we routinely wash five times a day before prayers and we are now also encouraging the use of antiseptic gel.

We have not cancelled Friday congregational prayers in line with current official policy but are monitoring the situation and awaiting further guidance from the government.



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